Installation Instructions:
Below is what the kit
contains, if you have less please contact us.

To start on the install fit up the parts and
tack everything together. Note if you ordered our welded set disregard
this step.

After tacking the
buckets and fully welding all seams. Let the buckets cool, you can take this
time to start cutting off your stock mounts.

Next tack the mounts to the frame and axle. The
shocks are best mounted at 90* from side to side and 10 degrees leaning
forward. Use an angle finder to check the angle of the shock when tacking in
The best way to mock everything up is to fully
break the leaf pack down to just a main leaf and cycle the suspension to
the bumps. When tacking your mounts on, leave about 1" of shaft showing at
full bump for compression. "Unless your bumps compress further, then you
need to compensate for the compression, or you will blow your shocks on a hard
Most people just measure the
bump travel and set the lower mount of the shock with just a little more shock
shaft showing, then they have bump travel.

After tacking it in place, it's best to cycle
your suspension with the tires on to check for clearance issues. Wheel spacers or a wheel with less back spacing may
be needed to clear the shock body when fully flexed out.